Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sweet Dreams

At bedtime tonight, Little Bit and I were having our nightly chat about various topics...the last day of school tomorrow, becoming a first grader and of all things, the name of my new blog.  I asked her if she liked the name and what she thought about it.  I wondered if it made her smile to think about such things.  It was fun to hear her answer. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Really...Hello Kitty?

"I want a Hello Kitty cake for my birthday" was the answer I received every time I asked Little Bit #2 what kind of cake she was wanting for her birthday party.  "Are you sure?" would be my response.  And I asked her a number of times because not only do almost 4 year old little girls change their mind constantly,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sweet Dreams of Ribbons and Sprinkles

...doesn't that just bring a smile to your face when you say that?  I'm new to the world of blogging.  Well, not really new to the idea of it...the hubs has had a blog since before they were called blogs.  When he started, he called it an online "journal" for his friends and family back home in Sweden